Interactive Learning. On Display.

In any classroom environment, teachers must develop new strategies and tactics to keep students focused. To achieve this goal, these agile teachers must make lessons personalized, engaging and relatable – a task made infi nitely more diffi cult by outdated projectors, chalk and analog boards, and other legacy classroom technologies. Samsung’s education-ready displays create a differentiated and lively classroom setting that inspires teachers, motivates students and impresses parents. These displays allow teachers to supplement lessons with a realm of brilliant image and video content, while touchscreen interactivity invites more students to participate. Through an all-in-one, low-maintenance design, teachers can simply walk in, turn on the display and start their class.

Why Samsung Digital Signage in Education

Samsung digital signage for schools provides enhanced connectivity solutions between teachers and students
• Connectivity with e-board and digital devices where digital signage content can be interactively shared with student devices such as PCs or mobile devices
• An interactive whiteboard solution which integrates interactive whiteboard MagicIWB S2 S/W
• Easy content sharing by supporting a wide range of media formats and plug & play functionality
• High compatibility with peripheral devices and Windows operation system
• Great expandability with optional plug-in module (PIM)
Samsung digtal signage for schools deploys advanced functionality to address your needs for optimum education
• Best performing e-board signage (DME-BM) to facilitate quick recognition and unique multi color pen(EMI)
• Multiple touch e-board variants, such as hand touch (IR, cost-effective) and hybrid touch (pen and hand)
• World's slimmest video wall & seamless e-board (DEM-BC) work to elevate the overall ambience of corporate environments
Samsung provides diverse solutions in an all-in-one package
• An all-in-one solution : Samsung immersive digital signage, touch overlay, pen tray and pen, and embedded IWB software
• A pre-assembled touch overlay
• A selection of display sizes from 65" to 82" along with a choice of touch feature variations including hand touch and hybrid
Samsung ensures a streamlined display management solution to be used throughout multiple locations
• The MagicInfo solution of DataLink enables a real-time connection with internal databases
• Simplified content management through content creation tools and templates and ability to remotely deploy to multiple locations
• Centralized management of content and displays with optional MagicInfo server
Samsung digital signage features high-end display technologies that facilitate vivid imagery.
• Uniform color presentations of video walls with meticulous factory calibration and advanced color management S/W
• Deeper black and brighter white through a superior 5000:1 contrast ratio and anti-glare touch overlay (with less than 15% glare)
• Flexible display layouts with image rotation functionality

Wavebreaker Systems AB är en helhetsleverantör av koncept för digitala budskap som skapar värde för kunder och brukare. Genom nära samarbeten med partners skapar vi fantastiska synergier som ger slutkunden bästa möjliga produkt. 

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