The Wall
The Next Generation Display Technology

The Wall LED Features

Great black
Pure black levels for unparalleled contrast and immaculate detail.
Great color
Vibrant, yet natural colors for a true-to-life visual experience.
Great refinement
Optimum peak brightness and extremely accurate grayscale expression for crystal clear image presentation with LED HDR picture refinement and HDR 10+ support.

The Wall : Award-winning visual technology driven by innovation

2019 Display Industry Awards Display of the Year
The Best of ISE 2019 Best Concept Product
2018 CEDIA Awards Best New Product
Best of Show - InfoComm 2018 AV Technology Sound & Vision Contractor

The Wall

IWJ Series

Artikelnummer: IW008J
• Pixel Pitch 0,84 mm
• Peak Brightness 1,600 nit / 500 nit Physical Resolution of Panel (W × H) 960x540 pixels
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The Wall

IWR Series

Artikelnummer: IW008R
• Pixel Pitch 0,84 mm
• Peak Brightness 2,000 nit / 250 nit Physical Resolution of Panel (W × H) 960x540 pixels
Begär offert

Wavebreaker Systems AB är en helhetsleverantör av koncept för digitala budskap som skapar värde för kunder och brukare. Genom nära samarbeten med partners skapar vi fantastiska synergier som ger slutkunden bästa möjliga produkt. 

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